The President: June 1967

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President Lyndon B. Johnson in June 1967. This film is from the LBJ Library moving picture collection created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit, aka the Navy Films. The films consist of monthly reports on the activities of President and Mrs. Johnson from 1963-1969.

Below is an edited scene list for this film, from the LBJ Library audiovisual archives. Where possible, shot descriptions are also included.

Video shot descriptions:

Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Great Britain, State Visit, White House South Lawn and Oval Office, 6/2/1967

Arrival ceremonies for P.M. Wilson, White House South Lawn

Color guard on White House Lawn, pan right

LBJ meeting with P.M. Wilson

Dissolve to White House Oval where LBJ, Wilson discuss Middle East.  Wilson sits smoking pipe

Six Day War, 6/5-11/1967

Newspaper headlines re Mid-East War

Newspaper headline: "White House Calls For A Cease Fire"

Newspaper headline: "Arabs, Israel Plunge into War"

Newspaper headline: "Air, Tank Battles Center in Negev"

Newspaper headline: "U.S. Asks for Cease Fire"

LBJ with advisors in White House Situation Room

Close-up of teletype machine typing

Dissolve to LBJ sitting at end of White House Situation Room table with maps of Middle East on wall

LBJ conversing with Sec. Dean Rusk, Sec. Robert McNamara, and other advisors, zoom in LBJ

Sec. Dean Rusk sitting at table

Walt Rostow, Sec. Robert McNamara sitting at table

LBJ watching televised coverage of United Nations proceedings, White House Oval Office

TV screen with U Thant, title up: "U Thant Sec. Gen. of the U.N."

LBJ sitting at desk viewing coverage of UN discussions

White House Oval TV screen with wide-angle shot of UN members

LBJ leaning forward, viewing TV

TV screen text: "Mohammed Awab El Kony - U.A.R."

TV screen text: "Gideon Rafael - Israel"

Wide-angle of various ambassadors.  TV screen text: "Security Council President Hans R. Tabor - Denmark"

LBJ meeting with advisors, White House Cabinet Room

Demonstrations outside the White House

Arab sympathizers marching in front of White House

Israeli sympathizers

Picture of Nasser? being carried by Arab sympathizers

Iraqi flag being carried

Press conference in White House Rose Garden, 6/13/1967

LBJ trip to the Southwest Democratic Fundraising Dinner, Austin, Texas, 6/16/1967

Air Force One shadow on Austin runway during landing

Dissolve to LBJ debarking plane in white tux; greeted by Cong. Jake Pickle

LBJ entering the Southwestern Democratic Fundraising Dinner with Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson, Patrick & Luci Johnson Nugent

Medium shot Luci Johnson Nugent, Patrick Nugent

LBJ greeting guests

Alexander Trowbridge sworn in as Secretary of Commerce, White House Rose Garden, 6/14/1967

Announcement of the nomination of Thurgood Marshall to Supreme Court at a reception for Presidential Scholars, White House East Room, 6/13/1967

Capitol Page School graduation ceremony, White House Rose Garden, 6/13/1967

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Youth Conference, White House South Lawn, 6/13/1967

Button on young lady reads, "1967 Rural Electric Youth Tour"

Dr. Billy Graham at podium (Mother) on White House Lawn

Crisis Committee meeting, White House Cabinet Room, 6/14/1967

McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow at Cabinet Room table

LBJ, Sec. Robert McNamara, Gen. Wheeler at Cabinet Room table, fade to black

Prime Minister Harold Holt (Australia) visit, Camp David, Maryland, 6/16/1967

Arrival of P.M. & Mrs. Harold Holt

LBJ, Holt at a weekend at Camp David

Holt playing tennis

Harriot Episcopal Church Steeple

LBJ addresses a foreign policy conference at the State Department, Washington, DC, 6/19/1967

Foreign Secretary George Brown (Great Britain), Premier Krag (Denmark), Premier Moro and Foreign Minister Fanfani (Italy) visit LBJ, White House, 6/22/1967

First day of Glassboro Conference with Premier Aleksei Kosygin (USSR), Glassboro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey, 6/23/1967

Fade into exterior of Hollybush, residence of Glassboro State College President Robinson.

LBJ at Democratic fundraising dinner, Los Angeles, California, 6/23/1967

LBJ debarking helicopter with Sec. Robert McNamara

Close-up of Lynda Johnson smiling, pan left to LBJ

Luci Johnson Nugent with newborn son, Patrick Lyndon Nugent, in Seton Hospital, Austin, Texas, 6/24/1967

Second day of Glassboro Conference, Glassboro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey, 6/25/1967

LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson debarking helicopter; greeted by New Jersey Gov. Richard Hughes and wife

LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson walking with entourage

Medium shot of Kosygin's daughter, Lyudmila Gvishiani, with Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson

LBJ addresses delegates to the National Convention of U.S. Jaycees, Baltimore, Maryland, 6/27/1967

LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson visit the Opportunities Industrialization Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6/29/1967


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alexei kosygin.png


“The President: June 1967,” Glassboro Summit Collection, accessed July 26, 2024,